
August 30, 2020

North Texas’ Only Sri Lankan Restaurant Moves to a Bigger Space With a Bar

Dallas Observer - Dallas’ only Sri Lankan restaurant began its year in a tiny space. Guests bumped elbows at the buffet table; visiting the bathroom required making a detour around the kitchen.

August 10, 2020

Grand Prairie’s Selena Gomez has something cooking in the kitchen

Dallas News - The Grand Prairie native is showing off her domestic skills, or lack thereof, on the new HBO Max show 'Selena + Chef.'

July 06, 2020

Status Update

Today, after hearing some more news about this Covid19 pandemic i've decided to keep wearing a mask. The blog is doing good I been getting alot of good vibes and it's teaching me a few things about moderation and balance. As of this week, I can honestly brag about the hosting service I got it's cool this is going to be my second month after making the transition from Google Site. The biz is also up and running I got a NET meeting coming up with Amazon, I don't want to avoid using their services even though it's difficult working at a place like that. I've also had the chance to see alot and do alot, I been out and about and everything is shaping up I just gotta keep it moving you know these are uncertain times. I haven't been sick which is good, I been here now for 7 months living here at home and my brother he's scheduling to return from East-Africa soon. It's going to be a challenge strategizing a Smbiz, it seem like I don't have time or i'm looking at the wrong vs right scenario. Likewise, I learn when moving and imagine having an office since many a small business have had to close their doors. This pandemic has taken alot of lives I keep hearing about it and don't want to be affected by it's demise. Thanks for coming here I hope to receive a few comments now that you know how to find me on cyberspace.